Consequences of Out-of-Date Certifications and Training
Every year companies face the challenge of managing their employee’s certifications and training requirements. When that process is not properly managed, those companies face serious consequences. Employees without proper training and certifications are at risk to injury from working in unsafe work environments, companies can receive federal penalties for violating certification requirements, and businesses can lose a tremendous amount of money from paused operations. View the infographic below to learn the Consequences of Out-of-Date Certifications and Training.
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Reduce Compliance Risks in One Easy Step
Lapsed certifications and unmet compliance deadlines cost businesses millions of dollars each year in fines and penalties – a large percentage of which could be avoided with the right certification tracking system. Unfortunately, many companies continue to use insufficient processes that rely on manual data entry and an array of unconnected spreadsheets – a costly mistake. Take […]
Certification Management Nightmares
Certification management is crucial for businesses across a multitude of industries, yet the administrative upkeep is a nightmare. Unfortunately, the consequences of non-compliance are even more dangerous. Hefty fines. Government sanctions. License suspensions and revocations. Lost clients. Discontinued revenues. These are just a few of the serious consequences businesses and employees can face when certifications […]
How Certification Tracking with Spreadsheets Can Shut Down Your Business
What does it take for your company and your employees to remain in compliance? How many certifications does each employee need? How often must they recertify to remain in order to operate? Not knowing (or following through) on the answers to these questions costs businesses billions of dollars each year. It also subjects them to […]