Driving Employee Engagement Through Career Pathing
It will come as no surprise to HR professionals that many employees in their organization are disengaged from their jobs. According to a recent Gallup survey, 70% of the U.S. workforce is not actively engaged in their work. There are a variety of reasons for this but one consistent theme is that employees want opportunities, growth and development in their careers. How can your organization meet the career needs of your workforce while encouraging involvement by employees? This webinar will focus on Driving Employee Engagement Through Career Pathing.
Career pathing is an important process to help employees create an effective career development strategy. Whether aspiring to a specific career within the company, or being targeted by management for future position(s), career pathing is a proven program by which successful transitions of employees into new roles can occur. As a result, the employee becomes more engaged in their career and are motivated to stay with the company, increasing retention and reducing new hire costs.
Career pathing gives your employees the options they need to effectively manage their careers. As a result, they will be more engaged in their career progress, will be able to see what options are available for long-term growth and will take more responsibility for their role in your organization.
In Driving Employee Engagement Through Career Pathing webinar you will learn:
- Why employee career management is changing
- How to achieve organizational efficiency through career pathing
- How career pathing can improve business ROI
- The key steps to successful career path implementation