How to Drive Performance with a 360 Review
Employee engagement has become a top management priority in the past several years, but research shows it remains elusive, with only about 33% of employees reporting active engagement. The other 67% of employees, then, are unengaged, which means they are performing well beneath their potential. If your company wants to change that, you are going to need to offer something that increases motivation: feedback.
We all want to know where we stand, at school, at home, with friends, and – beyond a doubt – at work. When we do not know where we stand, we feel anxious, unmotivated, and pessimistic about the future. Effective feedback, however, quells those anxieties and pushes us to excel.
The 360 review offers that feedback – when it is done well.
Effective 360 reviews offer the right kind of feedback: constructive, useful, and frequent. They also are part of a well-designed appraisal process that include a set of features aimed to drive performance.
Features to Drive Performance
- Small but relevant rater groups, usually no more than three to five peers and three to five subordinates, all of whom work with the employee being reviewed on a consistent basis;
- A trained reviewer pool that knows the purpose of the reviews and has been trained on how to provide constructive feedback;
- A sensitive rating scale that accurately differentiates scores;
- Anonymity for reviewers;
- Questions that are designed to elicit feedback in the areas management most cares about; and
- A questionnaire that can be completed in under 15 minutes, before reviewer fatigue sets in and impacts accuracy and judgment.
A 360-review process that includes these features will provide employees with effective feedback that boosts engagement and improves all-around performance. And that is a win-win for everyone.
For more tips on how to conduct 360-degree reviews that build up your team and strengthen your organization, we invite you to we invite you to visit our 360 Feedback product page or request a free demo today!
360 Reviews: Four Reasons They Fail
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